Summer Hiking Map
Summer Hiking Map
Cypress Provincial Park – Southern Section
1 : 21,000 summer hiking map for Cypress Provincial Park (CPP) in West Vancouver, BC, Canada. Based on the hard copy CPP Southern Section Hiking Map 3rd Edition, dated August 2018. This map shows summer hiking trails in the 2100 hectare southern section of CPP up to Strachan Meadows on the Howe Sound Crest Trail (HSCT), as well as the main trails leading to the park from upper West Vancouver. The rugged 900 hectare northern section, which includes Deeks Lake, and most of the 29 km long Howe Sound Crest Trail are shown in outline only on the Park Area Map.
Use Constraints and License
Use of the CPP Southern Section Hiking Map commissioned by Friends of Cypress Provincial Park Society (FCPP) is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Along with other forms of support, funding for the map was made possible by generous contributions from FCPP donors and members, Cypress Mountain, BC Parks and the Park Enhancement Fund.
For further information, maps and trail reports for CPP, please access the BC Parks website.