Our Board of Directors
President: Alex Wallace
Vice President: Anne George
Secretary: Anne Leathem
Treasurer: Sandra Booth
Membership: Eva Nagy
Past President: Lyn Grants
Directors at Large: Marshall Bauman, Bill Kinkaid, Tom Kurucz, Gail Ross, Fiona Wright
Alex Wallace
Alex trained as a horticulturalist in Scotland and spent many years as a landscaper in West Vancouver. He has served as Chair or President of FCPP twice, once in 2000 to 2009 and currently starting in 2018. He worked on behalf of FCPP during the Williams Commission Report of the Cypress Provincial Park Special Planning Commission (1995), negotiated along with other FCPP Board members on the Environmental Assessments for the planning and construction of the 2010 Winter Olympics Venues, has hiked every trail and non-trail throughout the Park, and knows its history more than most.
Anne George
Vice President
Anne has been a member of FCPP since its inception and, in recent years, has held Board positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and now Vice-Chair. She enjoys activities both in the mountains and on the water and has hiked, backpacked, and kayaked throughout BC and elsewhere. Now retired from her UBC faculty position, she volunteers at numerous places, including an annual gig at Mitlenatch Provincial Park. Anne advocates for slowing the climate crisis and supports the 30% protection goal of the federal and some provincial and First Nations governments.
Anne Leathem
Anne has lived on the North Shore for many years, and with a love of the forest, has hiked and climbed most of the mountains. Anne has Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from UBC in pharmaceutical sciences and worked at the Drug and Poison Information Centre for 30 years as a Toxicology Specialist and Editor of a book on medications. Anne records and prepares minutes of all FCPP meetings and is also the Coordinator of the Trail Watch program.
Sandy Booth
Sandy is an avid birder and long-time member of Nature Vancouver. She has lived on the North Shore for 40 years and in retirement has traveled the world. She has an accounting background so is enjoying the role of treasurer for FCPP.
Marshall Bauman
Director at Large
Having never been completely ‘‘house-trained’’, Marshall has spent much of his life outside - - off leash, off trail, off-kilter, & out-of-bounds. He moved west from Toronto in 1980 - - and now wanders the forests of West Vancouver - unsupervised & unfocused - - but always with a camera.
Tom Kurucz
Director at Large
A lifelong North Shore resident, Tom has spent countless days exploring and appreciating our local parks. A graduate of the Capilano College Outdoor Recreation Management program, Tom ran a Nordic ski school and managed a YMCA cabin on Hollyburn Ridge back in the 80’s, in addition to other outdoorsy pursuits. Retired from a rewarding career in public recreation, Tom can often be found hiking, nordic skiing, and snowshoeing in Cypress Provincial Park, among other local favourite areas. When not outside enjoying nature, Tom advocates for better signs, trail maintenance and improvements to our local parks.
Gail Ross
Director at Large
Gail worked for BC Parks for 33 years as a Regional Planning and Resource Officer, Provincial Interpretation/Education Project Manager, and as the Visitor Services Officer/Coordinator for Northern B.C. and the Fraser Valley and Manning Park Districts of BC Parks. Active in the community, she is a member of the Park Elders Council and serves as a volunteer archivist for BC Parks and a Commissioner for the Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission. She was on the Board of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, a volunteer Ecological Reserve Warden, and is the founding member of the Young Naturalist Club (NatureKids) in Prince George. Gail taught environmental education at UNBC and has done volunteer work with Thailand National Parks. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography from UBC and a Diploma in Outdoor Recreation Management from Capilano University. She spends her recreational time enjoying the great outdoors!
Bill Kinkaid
Director at Large
Fiona Wright
Director at Large